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  • The Joint Women in Neurosurgery Section

    To educate, inspire, and encourage women neurosurgeons to realize their professional and personal goals, and to serve neurosurgery in addressing the issues inherent to training and maintaining a diverse and balanced workforce.

  • WINS Anniversary Celebration: CNS Celebrates WINS

    Sunday, October 17, 2021
    Austin, TX

    Celebrate 30 years of WINS and their accomplishments with refreshments, desserts, cocktails, music, and mingling in a relaxing setting at the JQ Marriott Austin. Tickets for this celebration are $50, and are available for purchase on the Annual Meeting registration site.

  • WINS/Greg Wilkins-Barrick Chair Visiting International Surgeon Award (VISA Award)

    The award of $5000 is to fund travel and registration fees for an international female resident or faculty neurosurgeon to attend the AANS or CNS meeting.

    WINS Leadership Development Award

    The WINS Leadership Development Award, established in 2014, recognizes a WINS member who has been in neurosurgical practice for less than 10 years who demonstrate excellence in scholarship, research, clinical practice, mentoring and leadership, in order to advance women leaders in neurosurgery.

    The Sherry Apple Resident Travel Scholarship

    The Sherry Apple Resident Travel Scholarship is granted yearly to an outstanding resident abstract accepted at the Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting.

    Louise Eisenhardt Resident Travel Scholarship

    The Louise Eisenhardt Resident Travel Scholarship is granted yearly to an outstanding resident abstract accepted at the American Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting.


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