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  • Resident membership is open to residents in programs approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medicine, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada, or the Mexican Council of Neurological Surgery; or in a fellowship following the completion of a neurological training program (residency must have been completed at an accredited program within North America). Residents enrolled in osteopathic (DO) neurosurgery not accredited by the ACGME will only be eligible for CNS Resident Membership under the sponsorship of their Resident Program Director, provided the Program Director is an Active CNS member. Residents from outside the US, Canada, or Mexico should submit an application for International Resident membership. 

    Apply Now

    Benefits of Resident Membership

    The benefits of Resident membership include:

    Resident membership is complimentary.

    Are You Eligible?

    CNS Resident members must be one of the following:

    • A resident in good standing in a neurosurgery training program in North America accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada, or the Mexican Council of Neurological Surgery
    • In fellowship following the completion of a neurosurgery training program (residency must have been completed at an accredited program within North America)
    • A resident enrolled in osteopathic (DO) neurosurgery not accredited by the ACGME will only be eligible for CNS Resident Membership under the sponsorship of their Resident Program Director, provided the Program Director is an Active CNS member

    Apply for Membership Today

    Resident membership is provided completely complimentary through educational grants to residents.

    • PLEASE NOTE: Residents in ACGME accredited programs are automatically granted CNS membership at the commencement of their residency and do not need to apply, but must contact us at to activate/confirm your complimentary membership.
    • Residents in Canadian, Mexican, and DO programs must submit a Resident membership application.

    Apply Online

    You also can download an application. For more information, contact us via email at or by calling 847-240-2500.

    Transition to Active Membership

    Transitional members are former Resident members who have graduated within the past year and are in the process of transitioning to Active status.

    Join the ranks of the best and most lauded professionals in the field. The Congress of Neurological Surgeons is your go-to resource for live and online Oral Board exam preparation, SANS Lifelong Learning exams, a library of webinars and online courses spanning the neurosurgical subspecialties, subscriptions to Neurosurgery and Operative Neurosurgery, career-enhancing leadership opportunities, and more.

    Transition to Active membership within a year of your graduation date, and enjoy a five-minute application process and no application fee.

    Log in to your current Resident membership account and fill out the application to convert to Active membership now.

    Apply Now

    You also can download an application.

    Going into Fellowship?
    Let us know so that you can continue your free Resident membership benefits! Email with your fellowship program name, completion date, and updated contact information.

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