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  • Members of the media may register for and attend the CNS Annual Meeting. Approved media includes credentialed press and media representatives working for hospitals, health centers, and private practice groups. These individuals are required to provide CNS Staff with a copy of their press credentials and letters of assignment. Qualified media outlets must be represented by editorial staff—not publishers, advertising, or marketing staff.

    Media interested in attending the 2021 Annual Meeting may contact Deanne Starr, Vice President, Programs and Communications, at

    Press may check in at the registration desk by presenting their credentials to the registration attendant. We advise that all press register for the event before arriving on site. Press may conduct business in the on-site Press Room.

    Please note that the CNS media policy prohibits all video/filming without prior approval. Prior approval may be obtained by emailing a written summary attn: Deanne Starr, The summary should include dates and times of filming and people to be interviewed/filmed.

    The CNS recommends seeking written consent from any individuals participating in an article, video, or other form of media that does not come directly from the CNS. Should any press filming or outreach disrupt the flow of the Annual Meeting or the overall attendee experience, press will be asked to cease activities. The CNS recommends that filming and interviews take place within the press room whenever possible. The Press Room will be open during normal meeting hours.

    Please note that photography and video is prohibited in Scientific Sessions, Live Surgery, and the Exhibit Hall. We ask that all filming take place in the Press Room. The Press Room will be open during normal meeting hours. Please note that approval for filming in the Press Room does not imply the CNS approves the content of video. All content must be distributed through your own communication channels and not through the CNS.

    Should you have any questions on the media policy, please contact Deanne Starr,

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